
Public Toilet Design Guidelines

Public Toilet Design Guidelines
English | PDF | 24 trang | 1.06MB

The provision of public toilets is an important community need and right.
In recent years Brisbane City Council has reviewed the criteria for establishing the need, location and design of toilets in public spaces.
This publication identifies what Council considers best practice for the location, construction and refurbishment of public toilets. The guidelines most directly relate to toilets located in stand-alone external situations, however, it also raises relevant issues for interior toilets.
Poorly-located and designed public toilets may be perceived as being unsafe, can attract unintended activities and can be subject to ongoing and expensive vandalism.
The following guidelines present elements that may be used in the design of safer and more durable
public toilets. They illustrate the experience of Council employees. These guidelines are not intended to be prescriptive and should be considered within the context of each location and service need

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